City of Greendale
Garbage, Recycling, & Yard Waste
Garbage Schedule
The City began one day per week garbage and curbside recycling collections on April 2, 2018. Please adhere to the following schedule:
Cemetery South, Valley Woods, SR1, and Oberting Road:
Garbage Collection is Tuesday
Recycling Collection is Thursday
Cemetery North:
Garbage Collection is Wednesday
Recycling Collection is Thursday
*If a holiday falls on a Tuesday or Wednesday (garbage collection days) the Monday prior to the holiday will be the designated collection day. Recycling collection will not be rescheduled if a holiday falls on a collection day.
Garbage must be placed in plastic liners prior to depositing into brown carts. All refuse must fit in the carts provided. Any larger items such as mattresses and furniture as will require a special pick-up by City crews. Please call the office to arrange payment and pick up.
Recyclable materials must be loose in green carts. Do not bag recyclables. Carts contaminated with bags and/or nonrecyclable materials will not be picked up.
Drop-Off Recycling
The Dearborn County Recycling Center offers recycling 24/7 at a drop-off trailer behind the tennis courts at Greendale Park on Rand Ave.
Other Recycling Options:
Electronics, televisions, tires, motor oil, appliances, motor oil and more are accepted at the Dearborn County Recycling Center. Learn more at
Contact Information & Hours
Address: 510 Ridge Ave. Greendale, IN 47025
Phone: 812-537-2125
Monday through Friday:: 7:30am to 4:30pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Yard Waste Schedule
The city collects grass clippings, limbs and leaves on the following schedule:
Cemetery North, and Valley Woods:
Collection is Tuesday
Cemetery South:
Collection is Thursday
Please place yard waste in plastic cans not weighting over 60 pounds at the curb. Large piles or overweight cans might require special pick-up or chipping by City crews. Please call the office to arrange payment and pick up.