City of Greendale
Fire & EMS

Greendale Fire Department is an ISO 4 Rated Fire Department for the City of Greendale.
Our combination department includes full-time, paid-on-call, and volunteer members.
GFD provides Fire and Rescue response to approximately 5,000 residents over 10 square miles. In addition, GFD is an active participant in mutual aid to surrounding departments within Indiana, as well as across Ohio and Kentucky State Lines.
Our response area includes a major cross road of Indiana Route 1, US Highway 50, and Interstate I-275. This cross road is a thoroughfare for many travelers across the United States.
ALS/BLS service is provided by Greendale EMS, a separate entity that houses their two ambulances at Greendale's station.
Contact Info:
911 Ridge Avenue
Greendale, IN 47025
Phone: 812-537-1335
Hours: 24/7

Greendale E.M.S. was founded in 1986. We Provide B.L.S. and A.L.S. emergency medical care. We operate two ambulances and are located at the Greendale Fire Station. We are staffed 24/7.
E.M.S. President: Tommy Craig, Jr.
E.M.S. Financial Officer: Andy Brookbank
E.M.S. Training Coordinator: Donald McCool
Our goal is to provide the best pre-hospital emergency medical care to the citizens of Greendale and the surrounding communities.